Sunday, September 7, 2008


So I shall be honest here.  For the most part, I have felt that blogs can be pretentious and reserved for the egomaniac.... and as for live journals... well those are just too invasive.  But tonight, I decided I just plain wanted to have a blog.  Why?  hmm

Maybe it's because Tiffany has one.  Or maybe it's because if your sister buys two shirts at Kohls that are really cute and you like them, you go buy them, too.  Or maybe I am pretentious.  Whatever, I am lame.  Hence, the blog title.  

So for whatever reason I have all these thoughts jumbled tonight and wanted to write them down.  Every time I try to really write things down in a journal, though, I stop because I get a hand cramp and it's just so much easier for me to type (90 wpm).  

So, for starters, Tim & I had a great weekend away...

I've been at Starbucks for a few weeks now and I think I like it.  I have decided that when I work a 9-5 (or a 7-4 in my case) I wish my weeks away and I hate that.  It was always a nasty inevitable that I could never change... and now I've been forced to.  No more case of the Mondays for me!  I also love that I am in a new place that matches the new phase of my life.  I feel that God wants to use me here.  I don't know when and for what.... but, I mean, He's always using us.... and when you obsess over planning a wedding and have a lot of home crap to deal with, sometimes it is easy to push His direction aside.  I hope that I can focus on His voice for awhile.  Something I've never been good at.

tonight, though.... He did tell me that He is good... there is a lot of bad & pain & stuff in this world that makes me want to just get the heck out of dodge sometimes.... but when I got worked up about this (like I sometimes do.... asking "Why?" all the time) He swooped in & told me that I could rest in the fact that He is good.

anyway!  So my job... yes I like it.  i have to make coffee for some mean people sometimes, though... but that's ok because this will better help me be a servant.  The servant's heart is something I do not have most of the time.... and if I want to keep my job & not be miserable & make myself crazy, I will have to remind myself that I am there to SERVE.  And drink free coffee.  

now that's not so bad =)

Tim had a bunch of people over tonight for the Colts game.  I told him I wanted him to clean the sink and the toilet in case any girls came over.  He assured me no girls would come over.

Girls came over.  =x  o married life.  

But I have to laugh at how ridiculous I am about having a clean house now.  And I am also amused that in my kitchen right now sits four different types of cookies:

chocolate chip bar cookies.
peanut butter cookies.
rainbow cookies.
soft n chewy cookies.

the only ones not organized by my Love were the peanut butter.  So I am leaving them out over night hoping that they will be stale in the morning so I don't have to look at and think about cookies all week.

Well I think that I should go to bed now.  I'm going to sleep in tomorrow since I don't work until night and this day was a bit much for me.

Much love & cheers to blogging!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to blogging!

Blogging isn't good or bad... it just is. If people find your daily drivel interesting... well so be it... if not.... they won't visit and comment.