Tuesday, September 9, 2008


First of all, props to my girl Hannah from work who found me a lovely pair of CAMMO FLATS today at Walmart!!!!  Whooop I love them... and I love her... she is fun.

I am currently sitting at a Starbucks on 86th Street.  Tim & I just ordered some hot drinks, which was pretty exciting considering it was super beautiful & cool all day.  It really makes me excited for fall, chai lattes, sweaters, tea, and the Holidays.  =)

I also was able to find Burundi Kayanza at this store... our store gobbled it all up with our markouts almost immediately after it arrived at our store.  I can't even begin to describe to you how incredible it is!!  "Juicy and citrusy with unique herbal blackberry notes and brisk tea-like flavors, this is a brew unlike any African coffee we've offered before."  I may be a walking promotion, but I really am so thankful for all of the free stuff I get at Starbucks!  

Today was pretty non-productive.  I tried, though, I really did.  I managed to get some dishes done in between soap operas... not to mention clean the kitchen sink.  (I may have to fast from soap operas if I can't stop being lame & ridiculous.)  Anyway, now Tim & I are relaxing enjoying my night off together.  After this, we'll go get a cheeseburger from somewhere & do some grocery shopping.  I love being married.  It's more fun that I ever could have imagined.  So I will leave you with picture I took in Sedona, Arizona while on my honeymoon.

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