I don't have anything too interesting on my mind at the moment, but I'm just content with this day, this moment, this stage in my life. And that is rare.
I really enjoyed opening this morning. Despite the death fog on my way to work (Left at 4:20 to be safe, mind you) and the early morning stress due to lots of new stuff @ work, I had a good time. I really love our new soy. The Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate is FABULOUS. Pumpkin cream cheese muffins & scones means FALL. I escaped some goss. (hallelujah) and the mindlessness of Mr. S (double hallelujah). I just left work happy & at peace. I even open tomorrow & I'm excited about it. This is weird. Just last night I was throwing a fit because I had to get up at 3:40. I came home & took Daisy for a walk and it SMELLED like FALL. Anyway, I'm hanging out with my husband as he works and my dog as she naps and licks her feet... will eventually venture out to Avon (this is always exciting for someone who is less than wealthy... by America standards) with my man, do some grocery shopping. I started to re-watch Lost & am going to finish it so I can watch it once it's back on TV. I don't know... this is drivel & I know it but it's happy drivel & I like where happy drivel comes from...
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Main Entry: 1driv·el
Pronunciation: \ˈdri-vəl\
Function: intransitive verb
Inflected Form(s): driv·eled or driv·elled; driv·el·ing or driv·el·ling \-v(ə-)liŋ\
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English dreflian; perhaps akin to Old Norse draf malt dregs
Date: before 12th century
1 : to let saliva dribble from the mouth : slaver
2 : to talk stupidly and carelessly
— driv·el·er \-v(ə-)lər\ noun
I had no idea what this word meant..I assumed babbling but ya...i LOVE LOVE LOVE the smell of fall!
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