first of all,
hope you had a great day.
mine wasn't so bad...
and i've been quite productive since coming home from work... which is always a challenge for me. i'm a vegger. i get that from my mom, i think. i don't think there's anything wrong with vegging, but veggers, once they start, cannot stop... so when they get home they need to keep it moving until they leave every responsibility completed. this, i also learned from my mother. she's a hurricane when she gets home from work. then once she does her vegging she's usually down for the count!
ah, that similarity is quite amusing to me.
i'll have to share that with mom the next time i see her!
(nash is on my lap with one hairy paw on the keyboard... it's resting on the space bar.
my gosh my dog is so cute.)
so tonight tim and i will having dairy bar for dinner. that's a big yum. he's leaving tomorrow :( greek test, orientation, first round of classes. our house still has not sold.

this is how i feel about that.
i kid.
i mean, i am bummed.
but there is also a peace.
reading about the OT story about God sending a meat plague to a bunch of grumbling Israelites in the dessert gives me perspective. i will not be a grumbler. i will be thankful for this house and not complain about everything that's wrong with it in the meantime. (there is not really a lot wrong with it... i'm just overcoming patience.) i must remember, it's in God's hands.
eye of the tiger, people.
i am excited for Saturday, though.
dinner with my mom & dad in law.
monday i will see tiffany AND julie.
double yay.
i'm finally going to check out tiffany's place.
and i will be introducing julie to red mango!
last thought:
why is katy perry's cd being sold at my work?
i am confused.
and why is she half naked amidst cotton candy clouds?
is this art?
and why is the cd cotton candy scented?
am i 5?
dear unnamed famous seattle based coffee shop:
you have officially sold out.
sorry to those of you who like her.
i don't hate her music.
it's kinda catchy at times, whether i like it or not.
i'm just not sure the combination of those 3 things belongs at
unnamed famous seattle based coffee shop
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