Wednesday, August 25, 2010

cheerin' myself up

I will be honest: I'm not having the best week of my life. Emotionally, I've had a pretty hard couple of evenings and look forward to this week just being over. I wanted to share a few doses of personal joy from a few weeks ago that bring a smile to my face.

here is some Teavana lovelieness!

this is my new tea steeper and White Ayurvedic Chai/Samurai Chai Mate blend. the tea steeper is awesome because once your tea is done steeping, you just set it atop a cup and your delicious tea drains through the bottom and into your cup! tiffany also gave me this great idea: steep your sugar with your tea so it dissolves better.

this would be To Life white tea and a pound of the german rock sugar Teavana suggests for their teas. it adds just "a touch of sweetness" and doesn't mask the flavors in the tea. natural and unprocessed, it's great if you're going to be drinking sweetened tea on a regular basis.

aesthetically pleasant too!

julie, I was on the site today and doesn't this look good?!
Raspberry Riot Lemon Mate.
i think it looks delicious.
i mean, i am obsessed with raspberries at the moment.
it just might have to be one of the next ones I try!
Arcadian Apple is also on the list.

see? i am feeling significantly better. and thirsty.

so the last little piece of Love is this:

made by grandma.

it's been in the works for a few years
and it's finally completed.

i love it!
and best of all, it smells like her goodness.
nash needed a bath one day, in fact.
then he slept under grandma's quilt.
and smelled like fabric softner, but better!

we may no longer be giving him baths.
we might just invest in grandma's fabric softner.
i kid :)

it's so special
and she left me a little note....

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