Monday, June 21, 2010

chicago trip.

so i have a ton of different pictures in my camera i've been meaning to post... just haven't had the time... but this beautiful rainy monday morning my only plans are to watch new moon again so i thought i'd take the opportunity to post some. first up, just two pictures from chicago... nothin' special...

this is tim & i hanging out at lake michigan... it's so pretty! we were actually in deerfield (where trinity is) checking things out and we stopped to take a peek. it takes a lot of nerve for me to post this picture because it is terrible!!

i have an old piece of sidewalk chalk i found in bloomington a long time ago when we were dating. it stays in my jackie o coat at all times. it drives tim nuts. i used it to leave our mark at the train station in chicago :)

this is a very exciting time for us. we are sad, but also so excited to explore all that chicago has to offer (it had better offer a lot with that traffic!)

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