Wednesday, June 1, 2011

this morning...

stolen from the soul mate:

"The surest way of spoiling a pleasure is to start examining your satisfaction."
C.S. Lewis

spent the morning with Amber & Nora.
we had some Red Mango (duh).
went for a walk
and definitely enjoyed each other's company.
i commit to blogging more for the sake of
wanting her to blog as much as possible.
i will miss the Clements family dearly
and look forward to keeping up on their lives
and of course Nora's adventures. :)

i will copy some adjectives i posted on facebook,
attributes I admire deeply in Amber.
she has challenged me, helped me, and inspired me to be better

beautiful, kind, inspiring, gentle, generous, loving, full of life, and a great friend!

cannot wait for a Michigan visit.
much love to you, friend.

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