i got a call from my dad the other day.
he was at half price books...
and had picked me up a book that he and my mom both read
and now both swear by.
it started out with them wanting to understand their bodies better
they wanted to understand how processed foods alter their hormones
when we went home for christmas,
they had each lost at least 10lbs!!
now while they are not focusing on numbers,
they are focusing on how they feel....
they've cleaned out their cabinets and shop in a completely different way.
now while i know i could not afford to follow this sort of thing 100%
i am excited to read the book!
i love learning about this stuff...
and i will go into it with an open mind :)
i need to get on reading In Defense of Food
it hasn't been touched in a few weeks...
for some reason, i get super compulsive with my DVR
and when there are Wife Swaps recorded that i have yet to see,
i have to watch them.
lame. :)
so how's your week going?
mine has honestly not been fantastic so far.
rough stuff at work, not feeling well yesterday,
blues i credit to winter and being here in chicago
verbal altercation with a guy because he doesn't walk his dog on a leash
and when i made a comment that the dog should be on one
(after he ran up to nash and riled nash up...)
he started yelling at me because nash barks at people through the door
nevermind i catch people teasing him on a regular basis.
and we control that when we are home and he never barks when it's late.
i'm sort of listless at present.
i feel as if i'm not aiming for anything.
a little lost.
so with that being said, i'm going to go read for awhile
relax before work...
hope you are having a good day so far!
"Understanding our bodies"? Makes us sound like teenagers! Ha Ha. Watch out for those psychos in your complex.
hehe yay you learned to comment! sorry if i misrepresented!! ;)
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