on Saturday, Lacey, Lacey's friend Stephanie, and I ventured out to the Keystone theatre to see Black Swan. here is my mini review (really, my thoughts).
i will say, first of all, that the movie was beautiful in terms of costume and dancing. i absolutely love ballet. the only ballet i was fortunate enough to see was Dracula at the Murat in Indianapolis. it was incredible... i think if i had my choice, i'd rather see a ballet than a broadway show. i'm also a sucker for cheesy dance movies. (all except for Dirty Dancing... i think i might be the only girl who didn't like that one...) Center Stage is one of my favorite movies of all time. :) i was so impressed by how natalie portman transformed herself into the role of a ballerina. she nailed the role, like she usually does. the acting was superb and the way her psychotic breakdown manifested itself was brilliant... the movie was very dark, very twisted. believe it or not, i typically appreciate movies of that nature.
that's where i stop with the positive. (let me preface by saying i am sad to deliver any sort of negativity. i truly love the arts, and have little appreciation for how our culture has destroyed a lot of its value for me.) i understood before i went to see the movie that there was going to be a pretty graphic scene. what i didn't understand is how explicit that scene (and one other) would truly be. first of all, that is my fault. i have endless resources that could have helped me know beforehand exactly what i was getting myself into. second, i understand why the scenes were placed in the movie like they were. i definitely don't condone it but i get the point that was being made.
i generally try to stay away from movies that are extremely crude, demented in their horror, or contain nudity. i recognize that our society has become desensitized to sin... and i do not want my heart to be desensitized to such things. i walked away from the movie knowing that the scenes i had just witnessed were not scenes that were good for my heart. while it is not an issue of temptation for me, it is an issue of purity. i find that more and more each day, i desire a pure heart. i'm sinful by nature so by nature, my heart is generally filthy. i want to be really cautious about what i allow to penetrate my soul. there is lots of scripture on this and i will be the last to judge. i know conviction is personal and takes time. (thank goodness God is so patient with me). if you do decide to see this movie and you are a Christ follower like myself, I would recommend that you rent it and be prepared to fast forward through two different scenes. below is a scripture worth memorizing (tiffany- do you remember the knowdaverbs song??) and two great resources for movie reviews from a christian perspective.
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1-2
(tim has been published in a Hollywood Jesus book... kinda cool)
(these reviews are the most detailed i've found)
do you mean know2verbs? ;)
hahahaha whateva!
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