Tuesday, September 28, 2010

productive day!

just stoppin' in to say hello!
tim & i are about to go pay mom in law a visit
but he's takin' a nap first
i believe we are going to get some bbq for dinner
squealers, maybe?

let me tell you
we spanburgs have enjoyed a rather productive day
husband does has a sore back
don't even get me started on that one.
ask me about it in person
and i have a pretty pesky neck
but we did a pretty good job nonetheless:

had our home appraised...
fixed a few things that had to be done before closing
and packed up some boxes

i don't think he was very happy about this!
poor guy barely has a place to sit

i've also been making an effort to clean the house for the people moving in
i finally decided to clean out my fridge
prepare for disgusting-ness!

uh... what is that??

if you are currently eating food,

sheer disgust.
i don't know what those black things are.
they weren't moving so that's a good sign they weren't alive.

while i was trying to get that hot mess cleaned up, i made this hot mess

i just left the water running and it overflowed everywhere!
what the heck is wrong with me.
i'll be glad when this move is over & done with
i'm a total space case scatterbrain!

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