Thursday, July 9, 2009

tpg pt 2

"Honesty born of fear does nothing to root out the fundamental cause of evil in the world- the radical self-centeredness of the human heart."

"As long as you are trying to earn your salvation by controlling God through goodness, you will have to be sure you have been good enough for Him. You simply aren't sure God loves and delights in you."

how do we determine if we are plagued by the elder brother complex & doing our best to control God with goodness?

  • if something goes wrong in our life, we immediately think it's because we're not living right enough. we think there is more we should be doing to receive God's love & care.
  • criticism doesn't just hurt our feelings... it devastates us. it means that God's love has little power in our life and so to feel valued, we need the approval of others.
  • we cannot let go of guilt and continuously punish ourselves for what we've done wrong
  • "dry" prayer life without "wonder, awe, intimacy or delight in [our] conversations with God."

I'll write about the three forms of prayer later.

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