so i've realized this:
i'm addicted to blogging!!!
i for sure apparently love to talk about myself :)
i'm also pretty sure i've experienced withdrawl because i haven't been able to share in a few days. i had a huge spiritual awakening in an area of my life a few days ago... and now i can't even remember what it was.
big spiritual awakening that was...
anyway here is what my schedule is looking like for the next few days:
tonight: MEXICAN with my mom and dad in law (love them)
tomorrow: work till 1:30, yoga, clean, clean, clean our dang house
sunday: worshipping with my friends at old union, surprise party, work
monday: mid shift... start packing
tuesday: open... work out... keep packing
wednesday: open... then my mom n law will be heading to the airport to catch a plane to
weeeeee, i cannot wait!! we will be visiting my sis in law before she moves to japan in a few months.
never been there.
kind of excited.
first item on the agenda (and i'm talking the night our plane lands...)
find the red mango and eat it all.
so we will be flying back sunday
then i will spend monday with my Sweetie.
tuesday i will work.
wednesday i took the day off.
thursday we will be heading to
yeaaaaaah, buddy.
our friends mitch and kristen have agreed to let us stay with them for a couple of days.
(who put on the best concert i've ever been to)
eat at giordarnos, i'm sure
(incredible place if you are looking for chicago's style pizza)
and... pay ikea a little visit
(where, thanks to my sister, i will finally get my cheapo lack tables)
did i mention that red mango has my lack tables?
i'm not sure if i like that or not...
who cares, they are cheap!
we have some other business to attend to, but that i will talk about later!
we will drive back on saturday after the concert
and i'll be back to work at the bucks sunday night!
definitely looking forward to my first vacation(s) since my honeymoon!